Classification of Crude Drug

Classification of Crude Drug

Hello readers, this blog is basically about the classification of crude drugs in pharmacognosy and their advantages, disadvantages with examples.

So what is Crude Drug..?
         Crude Drugs are animal or plant drugs that are undergone no other process other than collection and drying.
The term 'Crude Drug' is referred to in relation to a natural product that has not been improved in condition by any process or treatment beyond that which is essential for its packing and prevention from deterioration.

The Crude Drugs are grouped as below-
Organized Drug
Unorganized Drug
Characteristics Organized Drug Unorganized Drug
Definition A drug that represents a part of any plant or animal made up of cells. The Drugs which do not represent any part of plant or animal.
Identified by Morphological Characters. Organoleptic Characters.
Obtained From Plants and Animals Plants Animals and Minerals
Characters Cellular in Structure, like Leaves, Fruit, Bark, Wood, and Solid in nature. Solid, Semisolid, and Liquid in nature and do not have Cellular Structure like resins, mucilage.
Study Transverse Section is studied under the microscope. Physical parameters like density, optical rotation, viscosity, R.I., and chemical test.
Example Leaves - Senna,Digitalis
Wood - Sandalwood
Bark - Cinchona, Cinnamon
Flower - Clove
Fruit - Dill, Coriander
Seed - Nux-vomica, Black mustered
Rhizome - Ginger, Squill
Fibers - Hemp, Flax, Silk.
Dried Latex - Opium
Dried Juice - Aloe, Kino
Dried Extract - Black Catechu
Gum - Acacia
Resin - Storax, Asafoetida
Fixed Oil - Olive oil, Linseed oil
Animal Product - Beeswax, Gelatin
Fossils - Talc, kaolin.

In pharmacognosy, the crude drugs are classified according to-

  • Their Alphabetical status
  • The Taxonomy of plants and animals.
  • Their Chemical nature
  • Their Morphology
  • Chemo-taxonomical status
  • Pharmacological
  • Sero-taxonomical status
So, let's see these classifications in detail. You can directly go to the desired classification by using the below links for convenience or you can scroll through.

Alphabetical Classification

                 In this method, the drugs are arranged in alphabetical order of their English or Latin names. It is used in official books like Indian Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopeia, etc.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Provides quick reference.
2. The study of drugs is easy by knowing a name.
3. The addition and deletion of a drug are easy.
1. Fail to classify drugs based upon morphology and taxonomy.
2. No relation between successive and previous entries.
3. No link between constituents in the drug.

Acacia, Bentonite, Cascara, Digitalis, Ergot, Fennel, Gokharu, Hemp, Isapgol, Jalap, Kino, Linolin, Myrrh, Nux-Vomica, Opium, Podophyllum, Quassia, Rauwolfia, Senna, Tragacanth, Uncaria gambier, Vasaka, Wool fat, Yellow bees-wax, Zedoary, etc.  

Taxonomical Classification

The drugs are classified according to plants or animals from which they are obtained in phyla, orders, families, genera, species, subspecies, etc. This method of classification is based on the consideration of natural relationship or phylogeny among plants or animals. It gives information in the systemic naming of organizations into similar groups.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Gives an idea about species (Varieties of organisms)
2. Helpful to study the evolutionary development of crude drugs.
1. No idea about chemical constituents and morphological nature
2. Most drugs do not assemble the whole plant.
Minerals get excluded.
3. Tedious and time-consuming.

1. Phylum      - Spermatophyta
    Division     - Angiospermae
    Class         - Dicotyledons
    Order        - Rosales 
    Family       - Leguminosae
    Sub-family - Papilionaceae
    Genus        - Glycyrrhiza, Astragalus, Myroxylon
    Species      - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Astragalus gummifera, Myroxylon balasamum.

2. Phylum  - Thallophyta
    Class     - Ascomycetes
    Order    - Clavicipitales
    Family   - Clavicipitaceae
    Genus   -  Claviceps
    Species - Claviceps purpurea

Chemical Classification

Crude drugs are divided based on the chemical nature of their important constituent or names of constituents. It would appear that the chemical classification of the crude drug is the preferred method of study.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Used for the phytochemical study.
2. Pharmacologically active constituents and therapeutic significance of crude drugs depend on the nature of their chemical constituents.
1. Improper placement of drugs containing two different types of chemicals as in the case of Nutmeg (Fixed and Volatile oil).
2. No idea about morphology and the source of drugs.

Alkaloids  -  Nux vomica, Cinchona, Datura
Carbohydrates - Acacia, Agar, Guar gum, Pectin, Honey, Ispaghula
Glycosides       - Digitalis, Senna, Cascara
Lipids              - Castor oil, Beeswax, Cod liver oil, Kokum butter
Proteins, and Enzymes - Casein, Trypsin, Papain, Gelatin
Resins     - Colophony, Jalap, Balsam of Tolu
Tannins   - Pale catechu, Ashoka
Vitamins - Yeast, Shark liver oil 
Volatile oil - Peppermint, Clove, Garlic, Eucalyptus

Morphological Classification

Crude drugs are divided based on external characters of plant or animal part represented into organized and unorganized drugs.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Easy to study drugs.
2. Easy to identify and detect adulteration.
3. Easy to handle.
1. Identification of crude drugs with similar morphology can not be identified.

Barks             -   Cinchona, Kurchi, Cinnamon
Dried extract  -   Catechu, Agar, Gelatin
Dried juices    -   Redgum, Aloes, Kino
Dried latices   -   Opium, Gutta-percha, Papain
Entire drugs    -   Ephedra, Ergot, Cantharides, Belladonna
Flowers          -   Clove, Saffron, Pyrethrum, Artemisia
Fruits             -    Coriander, Fennel, Bael, Colocynth
Gums             -   Acacia, Ghatti gum, Guar gum, Tragacanth
Leaves           -   Senna, Digitalis, Eucalyptus, Vasaka
Resins            -   Balsam of Tolu, Myrrh, Benzoin
Rhizomes       -   Turmeric, Ginger, Podophyllum, Valerian
Roots            -    Jalap, Aconite, Rauwolfia
Seeds            -   Nux-vomica, Isabgol, Castor, Strophanthus
Woods           -   Sandalwood, Quassia, Red sanders, Sassafras

Pharmacological Classification

Crude drugs are divided based on pharmacological action and therapeutic use of their chief active chemical constituent. It is also known as the Therapeutic Classification of crude drugs.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Due to chemical constituents, we can imply its pharmacological action.
2. Easy to study drugs.
3. It is based on the active constituent of the drug.
1. Some drugs have two similar pharmacological actions and difficult to classify, for example, Nux-Vomica shows two actions like CNS stimulant and Bitterent also.
2. Drugs that have different mechanisms of action are grouped together.
3. Drugs that have two or more similar chemical constituents failed to state taxonomical properties.

Anticancer  - Vinca, Podophyllum, Taxus
Antirheumatics - Aconite, Colchicum, Guggul
Anthelmintics   - Quassia, Male Fern, Vidang
Antispasmodics - Opium, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Curare
CNS stimulants  - Coffee
CNS depressants - Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Opium(Morphine, Codeine)
Analeptics      -  Nux-vomica, Camphor
Hallucinogenics  - Cannabis, Poppy Latex
Central analgesics - Opium (Morphine)
Local anesthetics - Coca 
Astringents    -  Black Catechu, Myrobalon
Antimalarials   -  Cinchona, Artemisia
Immuno-modulatory agents - Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Asparagus
Bitters  -  Quassia, Cinchona
Carminatives  -  Dill, Fennel, Cardamom
Emetics  -  Ipecacuanha
Antiamoebics  -  Kurchi, Ipecacuanha
Expectorants  -  Vasaka, Liquorice

Chemo-taxonomical Classification

Firstly Bentham and Hooker have explained this combined classification, crude drugs are divided based on the relation between chemical composition and taxonomical position of plant or animal from which crude drug is obtained.
 Chemo-taxonomy establishes a relationship between the position of the plant and attempts to utilize chemical facts for the more exact understanding of biological evolution and relationships.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Gives the relationship between chemical constituent, their biosynthesis, and possible actions.
2. Provide Hybridization and breeding analysis.
3. Provide secondary metabolites of pharmacological significance such as alkaloids, glucoside, flaronoids, etc.
1. Fails to understand the therapeutic nature of crude drugs.
2. Fails to identify organized and unorganized drugs in morphological studies.

          1. Berberine alkaloid in Hydrastis, Berberis, and Argemone
          2. Rutin and Ranunculaceous alkaloids and Flavonoids in species of higher plants
          3. Tropane alkaloids belonging to the Solanaceae family.

Sero-Taxonomical Classification

Sero means Serology which involves the study of antigen-antibody reaction and taxonomy belongs to taxonomical classification. It is defined as serological concepts applied to the taxonomical classification of plants, protein-antigen, and its presence or absence in plants. Example plantA & B are compared on the basis of the degree of similarity in reaction with a particular texa.
The Fair-Brothers in 1987 was given the application of serology to the classification of crude drug and it is mostly done with plants.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. The analysis is done by the analytical method.
2. If a molecule is an unchanged relationship can be traced back in time.
3. The size of data used in the molecular taxonomy study is enormous.
1. No familiar intermediate conditions between their characteristics.
2. No primitive conditions for DNA sites to be recognized.

              Two or more plants showing the same serology i.e. having more degree of similarities in Antigen(Protein)-Antibody reaction are grouped together.

Hope you like this Classification of Crude Drug . If you have any suggestions or need any help let us know in the comments below... 

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