Therapeutic Agents

Therapeutic Agents

Hello readers, This article is all about the Therapeutic Agents with their definition and some examples.
Below are given the various agents you can search for the desired Agent or the desired Drug directly by the search bar given.

Agents Definition Examples
Abortifacients An agent that causes an abortion. papaya, ergot.
Adaptogens These are the biologically active substances that improve physical endurance for doing work even in adverse and difficult environmental conditions. ginseng, Withania, gingko.
Addiction To form a habit or enslavement to some habit. opium, cannabis.
Adrenergic The term applied to sympathetic nerves that liberate adrenaline and nor-adrenaline from their terminations.
Adsorbent Substances which attract gases or dissolved substances to their surface as a film. Kaolin, charcoal, Kieselguhr.
Anesthetic Drugs that cause insensibility to touch or pain, maybe General or local. Coca, Clove.
Analeptic Drugs that restore strength after illness. lobelia, nux-vomica, camphor
Analgesic A substance that relieves pain by acting on the central nervous system.
They are of two types
1. Narcotic analgesic.
2. Antipyretic analgesic
aconite, belladonna, opium, Cannabis.
Anodyne An agent that relieves pain but is milder than an analgesic. belladonna and camphor.
Anthelmintics A substance that expels the worms out of intestine like threadworm, tapeworm, roundworm, etc. they do not kill worms essentially. chenopodium
AntiAmoebic Which controls the infection of entamoeba hystolitica. kurchi.
AntiAsthmatic The agents used to treat difficulties in breathing to relieve cough and also for relaxation of the smooth muscle in bronchi. vasaka, belladonna.
Anticancer Recommended in the treatment of cancer. vinca, Taxus.
Anticoagulant One which prevents the coagulation of blood. heparin.
Antidiabetic An agent that helps for overcoming diabetes. stevia, bitter guard, Gymnema.
AntiDysentric Agents that check dysentery. Arjuna, Amra.
AntiFibrile Substance reducing fever. Quinine, Chirata, cinchona.
AntiFertility Which prevents conception. stevia, vidang.
AntiHIV Given in the treatment of infection caused by HIV( human immunodeficiency virus). Hypericum, Phyllanthus, Artemisia.
AntiInflammatory This reduces inflammation. Datura, linseed, ashwagandha, Bahera.
AntiLeprotic Drugs used in the treatment of Leprosy. Chaulmoogra oil (externally), Jalbrahmi.
Antimalarial Used for the treatment of Malarial fever. cinchona, chirata, Artemisia annua.
AntiOxytocic One which controls the urine contraction and prevents abortion. Shatavari.
Antipyretic Reducing the body temperature Guduchi, quinine.
Antirheumatic One which controls rheumatism. Guggul, Dioscorea, colchicum.
Antitumor Used to control the malignant growth of carcinogenic to tumors in the body. colchicum, corm.
Antidiaphoretic Substance reducing the profuse sweating. belladonna, hyoscyamus.
AntiDiarrhea The substance which reduces or prevents the rapid passage of fecal matter through the gastrointestinal tract and frequent passage of liquid faeces. opium, Catechu.
AntiEmetic The drug that prevents vomiting. lemon oil, Ginger, caraway.
AntiLucodermic Defective skin pigmentation preventive agent or curative agent. Karanja oil, manjishta, psoralea.
Antioxidants It is an agent when present in low concentration as compared with oxidizable substance, significantly delays or prevents oxidation of the substrate. Oxidizable substrate encompasses almost everything except water, found in foods, in living tissues, and includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and DNA. Flavonoids and polyphenols are potent oxidants. green tea, black tea, Catechin.
Antiphlogistic External application employed in reducing inflammation. aconite, linseed, Boswellia.
Antiprotozoal Against Protozoa that is a unicellular microorganism. Kurchi.
Antiseptic A substance used to check the growth or development of microorganisms. neem, turpentine, benzoin.
Antispasmodic A substance that relieves or controls spasms (pain) of voluntary or involuntary muscles. Datura, valerian, lobelia, opium, belladonna.
AntiUlcer The drug used to treat open sores on a body surface. Catechu, glycyrrhiza, hyoscyamus, sandalwood.
Antiviral Used to prevent and treat the viral infestation. Guduchi, neem oil.
Aperient It is a mild laxative. It relieves constipation. Rhubarb, Isapgol, Manna.
Aphrodisiac An agent stimulating sexual Desire. Gokhru, Safed Musali, Shilajit, Cannabis, Ginseng.
Appetizers The compound that stimulates the desire for food. Gentine, bitter guard.
Aromatics A substance having fragrant agreeable odour. Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange peel.
Astringent Precipitates protein and causes contraction of tissues to lessen body secretions. Tannic acid, Myrobalan, Catechu.
Bitters Substances categorized by a bitter taste. Gentian, Nux vomica, Cinchona, Chirata.
Cardiotonic Agents which increase the strength and rate of myocardial contraction and in turn increases cardiac output. digitalis, Arjuna, squill, strophanthus.
Carminative A substance that removes gases from the gastrointestinal tract. paper mint, asafoetida, caraway.
Cathartic Active purgative usually producing severe evacuation may or may not be accompanied by pain. jalap, castor oil, aloe, rhubarb, colocynth.
Cholinergic The term applied to parasympathetic nervous which liberates acetylcholine at their terminations. pilocarpus, Physostigma.
Condiment Agents that increase or improve details and flavors. ajowan, caraway, Ginger, black mustard, cummin.
CounterIrritant The substance producing superficial and artificial inflammation to exercise a good effect on the path applied. camphor, turpentine oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint.
Cumulative One which gets accumulated in the body. santonin, digitalis.
Demulcent Medicament which soothes or protects the mucous membrane or any other path to which it is applied. tragacanth, Acacia, linseed, barley.
Deodorant An agent that neutralizes removes or destroys foul odour. mentha oil, rose, sandalwood.
Depressant A drug that lowers functional activities or retards the physiological action of an organ. hyoscyamus, belladonna, opium.
Detergent One which causes cleansing. soap nut, shikekai, hinganbet, quillaia.
Diaphoretic The agent increases perspiration or sweating. Camphor opium, ipecacunha, jaborandi, sarsaparilla.
Digestive Drugs which assist the stomach and intestine in their normal function of promoting the digestion of food. capsicum, papain, pepsin, diastase malt.
Diuretic Drugs which increase the flow or secretion of urine or increase the quantity of urine. caffeine, gokhru, buchu, punarnava, tea.
Emetic Substances that induce or produce vomiting. mustard, senega, squill, ipecacuanha.
Emmenagogue A substance that stimulates menstrual flow. galbanum, clove, Savin.
Emollient The agent that softens and smoothens when applied locally. olive oil, linseed oil, liquid paraffin, honey, lard.
Excitant An agent that stimulates the special functions of the body according to the action as motor cerebral etc. balsam of Tolu, glycyrrhiza, senega.
Expectorant (Antitussive) Which stimulates and expels bronchial mucus secretion. Tulsi, glycyrrhiza, balsam of Tolu, vasaka.
Febrifuge An agent that lessen fever (antipyretic fever). cinchona, chirata.
Flavour This removes the undesired smell flavor and makes pleasant. peppermint, sandalwood, cardamom, vanilla.
Galactagogue An agent that increases the secretion of milk in the breast. Shatavari.
Gelling An agent that increases the viscosity of the liquid. gam ghati, carageenan.
Hemostatic An agent that arrests bleeding. tannic acid, kino.
Hair Growth Tonic This stimulates the growth of hair. jatamansi, bhringraj, cantharides.
Hepatoprotective This protects (support) the working of the liver. picrorhhiza.
Hydragogue A new drug that promotes watery evacuation of the bowel. jalap, croton oil.
Hypnotics Drugs induce sleep without cerebral excitement. opium, hops, cannabis.
Hypoglycemic The agent which reduces the glucose level in blood serum. Gymnema, insulin, bitter guard.
Hypotensive An agent which reduces the high blood pressure. ashwagandha.
Immunomodulators An agent that modulates an immune response (maybe stimulative or suppressive). ashwagandha, Shatavari, Tulsi, picrorrhiza, ginseng.
Insecticide Agents causing destruction of insects. tobacco, pyrethrum, sabadilla, derris.
Irritant An agent which, when used locally, producers more or less inflammation. capsicum, cantharides.
Laxative Drugs that lessen the bowel, mild purgative. karaya, isapgol.
Muscle Relaxant Agents which relieve or relax the muscle strain. datura, opium.
Mydriatics It is a remedy causing dilation of Pupil and paralysis of the ciliary muscle. belladonna, Datura.
Narcotic Any substance that produces sleep by acting on CNS. Indian hemp, opium.
Nervine Tonics The agent which stimulates activities of the nervous system. Brahmi, asafoetida, shankhpushpi.
Nutritive Nourishing medicines increase vital energy. honey, malt extract, butter.
Oxytocic An agent that causes expulsion of the contents of the uterus by contracting the uterine muscle. ergot, vasicine, quinine.
Proteolytic Any agent causing hydrolysis of proteins. papain, pineapple, ficin.
Pungent Any agent irritating with a sensation of warmth. capsicum, ginger, black paper.
Purgative An agent that causes evacuation of the bowel. jalap, rhubarb, castor oil, senna, colocynth.
Refrigerant An agent that relieves thirst and is cooling. orange, tamarind, amla
Rubefacient An agent that riddance the skin producing local congestion, dilating the vessel and thus, resulting in the increased blood supply. oil of turpentine, capsicum, mustard, flaxseed, catharide.
Sedative An agent which lowers the functional activities, or substances which quite the Nervous System. Cannabis, rolfia, bitter almond.
Spermicidal Which destroys the sperms. neem oil, gossypiol.
Stimulant An agent that temporally increases the functional activities in classified according to the organ upon which they act as a cardiac bronchial, gastric, cerebral, intestinal, nervous, motor, vasomotor, and respiratory. camphor, turpentine, caffeine, asafoetida, strychnine.
Stomachic Substance increasing the secretion of gastric juice and also the functional activity of the stomach. dill, coriander, gentian, fennel.
Styptic Anything that checks the hemorrhage. tannic acid, kino, Pterocarpus.
Sweetening Agents These are agents that are used to mask the undesired taste and making it sweet. honey, thaumatin.
Vasoconstrictor The agent causing contraction of blood vessels. ergotamine, ephedra.
Vasodilator Agents causing dilatation or relaxation of blood vessels. visnaga.
Wormicide An agent that dislodges or kills intestinal worms. vidang, chenopodium, quassia.
Vesicant An agent that produces vesicle. mustard gas cantharides, marking nut, mylabris.

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